Contact Jack Moore
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Address Putney,
Putney, United Kingdom

So you’ve probably found us because you’re already a diver or want to be a diver and live in the Putney area, right?
Crazy as it seems, our friendly local dive club in the (almost) heart of London sees our fair share of water action. Malta, Kenya,
Tenerife … Weymouth, Plymouth and the Farne Islands are only some of the near and far diving havens we’ve dipped our dry
suits into recently.
We’re local, we’re volunteers, we’re veterans and beginners – often opinionated, sometimes wrong, often not. We’re British,
we’re Scottish, we’re Australian, we’re French – we work with rocks and taxis and engineers and politicians.
We dive, we love it – and most importantly we’re run by us, and we are always looking for new members.
If this isn’t enough for you, we also have an active social calendar, meeting up weekly at our (licensed) clubhouse and often
finding another social activity to jump into too!

General information

  • Access to meeting/training rooms
  • Access to a pool
  • RIB
  • Active social calendar

Diving information

  • Club organised british diving holidays
  • Scuba kit for learn to dive trainees to borrow
  • Club organised overseas diving holidays
  • Try dives offered to potential interested members
  • Active diving programme
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