In 2019, BSAC launched a special project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the scuttling of the interned German High Seas fleet at Scapa Flow at the end of World War I.
The actual anniversary was 21st June 2019 but the project brought together divers throughout 2019 to support the wider Scapa 100 project (The Scapa 100 project aimed to bring together a cluster of projects all with the ambition of commemorating the centenary).
The key aims of this BSAC project were:
- To encourage BSAC divers to visit Scapa Flow in 2019 (not just for the week of the 21st June but throughout 2019) and dive the wrecks and scrap yard sites from both local hard boats and also from club RIBs.
- To contribute to the wider Scapa 100 project and feed in data gathered by divers to local stakeholders and provide material for an online virtual library. The wreck of the Coln will be the BSAC’s sponsored wreck.
- To support the local community by:
- Visiting and raising the profile of the underwater heritage at Scapa Flow
- Raising funds for local charities
The project built on previous BSAC Expeditions from MV Halton and in-conjunction with MV Halton during the European Scientific Diving Conference 2018.

BSAC Scapa 100 expedition
Scapa 100 ran throughout 2019 and we appreciate all the clubs that got involved.
BSAC’s Expeditions Officer, Andrew Hunt said that Scapa 100 was "a great opportunity for BSAC members to participate in some diving with a purpose. If you’ve not been to Scapa before then make the effort".
Following on from the Jutland commemorations, this is a significant anniversary for our maritime history and the chance to bring together a large number of divers to mark the occasion and learn about a period of history that has also departed living memory.
How clubs got involved in Scapa 100
There were four ways you and your club could have taken part:
- Joined a dive team on a boat chartered by BSAC.
- Brought your club RIB to Scapa and be part of a multi-club expedition.
- Chartered a local hardboat for your club or group of divers to join Scapa 100.
- Scapa 100 Programme of events
- BSAC have introduced Photogrammetry
Have a question?
Read our Scapa 100 FAQs
You can also email the team at