The dictionary definition of an expedition is "a journey with a purpose". A BSAC expedition is simply a group of BSAC members going diving for a purpose.

This could be a dive, or series of dives, that is more challenging and that deliver specific results, rather than the usual (yet enjoyable) club dive or holiday. BSAC scuba diving expeditions are organised every year all over the world for members to take part in...Get involved in a BSAC expedition

Supporting BSAC clubs on expeditions

BSAC’s Expeditions Advisor aims to increase participation in challenging diving expeditions, promote efficient and safe running of expeditions, and make the plans and results of expeditions available to all BSAC members. Contact BSAC’s Expeditions Officer, Andy Hunt - Email Andy

Types of diving expeditions

BSAC national expedition

An Expedition Leader can advertise their expedition at a National level going out to all BSAC members who fulfil the expedition pre-requisites, such as diver grade. They are organised by BSAC First Class Divers or BSAC Advanced Divers (with a First Class Diver Mentor) who have the approval of the BSAC Expedition Officer.

BSAC regional expeditions

Regional expeditions form the Regional Expeditionary Diving Scheme (REDS). This is very similar to a BSAC club expedition but coordinated by the Regional Coaching Team. 

BSAC club expedition

Forming a diving club is all about enjoying diving as a club. Planning a diving expedition together can be great fun and very rewarding. Most clubs will organise at least one expedition a year, usually called a ‘club holiday’, but expeditions can be arranged for a variety of things, like:

Club holidays, archaeological projects, a challenging or demanding dive, a trip that requires concentrated training at a remote location, wreck and environmental surveys to name a few.

Once the reason for going on an expedition has been agreed by the club you will want to appoint or approve an Expedition Leader (organiser). BSAC suggest that this person is at least a BSAC Advanced Diver because of their level of training. Other club members will be heavily involved too.



I’m interested in joining a BSAC club and getting involved in BSAC expeditions, help me get started...

Please send your postcode to and we'll send you your three nearest scuba clubs. Or if you fancy a chat call us 0151 350 6226 (Mon - Fri, 9 - 5:30). Or use our 'find a club' tool - click to get started.

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