Getting started on more social channels

If you're already familiar with Facebook, or you're looking to recruit more younger members to your club, the next port of call are some other social channels that might work for you.

Instagram and TikTok are where you are more likely to find younger people who have moved away from Facebook. Over 75% of those aged 15-24 have used TikTok, and 30% of Instagram's UK users are aged 25-34.

Setting up a club Instagram account

Instagram is a free social networking site, where you can share pictures, videos and short updates to your followers. There are 34 million UK users of Instagram and, as the platform is owned by Facebook, it can easily connect with your Facebook Page.

Insta feed

Follow us on InstagramHow to set up an Instagram account

Benefits and uses of Instagram

  • As a photo-sharing platform, it is ideal for showing off your underwater images and videos, as well as the very best of club life
  • Instagram has a 'Story' feature which means you can add 24hr image or video statuses - for more information on Stories, see Instagram's help page
  • Instagram achieves 84 times more engagement than any other social media platform
  • Follow some of the best underwater photographers to see what they're doing in the world and learn tips and tricks - our favourites are Alex MustardJane Morgan and Dan Bolt

Top tips for making the most of Instagram

  • Videos get more activity than photos, especially if you post them in your Stories or as Reels
  • Add location markers to both posts and stories - these get 79% more engagement than non-geotagged posts
  • You can post up to 20 photos or videos in one post - try not to flood your feed with individual image posts on the same day. However, posting on each day across your dive trip can spread out the engagement over a longer time!
  • Use hashtags to get your posts seen by others - it's best to use only 11 and try to keep them relevant
    Some good ones to try are #scubadiving #uwphotography #underwaterworld #divinglife #discoverocean #divewithus - plus, tag #divewithbsac to be featured on our Instagram!

Setting up a club TikTok account

TikTok is a free social networking site, where you can share videos, stories and images. It is also a great video-editing tool, and you can edit your videos within the app to create something funny and/or compelling for the 22 million UK users of TikTok.

Follow us on TikTokHow to set up a TikTok account

Benefits and uses of TikTok

  • The currency of TikTok is short videos - sometimes up to a few minutes, but often looping videos of 30 seconds or less.
  • The video editing features in TikTok easily allow you to make montages, edit videos, add music which is rights-cleared and fine for not-for-profit clubs to use
  • You can also post a 'Story' to TikTok, which will be available on your profile for 24 hours
  • Follow other TikTokers to see what works - we recommend York Sub Aqua Club

Top tips for making the most of TikTok

  • Videos are in portrait format - ideally 1920 x 1080 aspect ratio. When out on dive trips, record videos in portrait to make the most of the space you get on TikTok
  • Tonally, TikTok is irreverent and thrives on fun, funny and personal content from individual creators - so find someone happy to get their face on camera and show potential new divers and snorkellers what its all about! 
  • TikTok content follows trends, and easily allows you to reuse video and music templates, or react to videos from other users (stitching or duetting). This is a good way to increase engagement.
  • Use hashtags to get your videos seen by others - users follow these hashtags and communities build up around them.
    Some good ones to try are #scubadiving #uwphotography #underwaterworld #divinglife #discoverocean #divewithus - plus, tag #divewithbsac to be featured on our Instagram!
  • Getting seen on users' fyp (their "for you page") will hugely boost the views to your videos - try using #fyp in your posts

Setting up a club X (Twitter) account

X (formerly known as Twitter) is a free social networking site, where you can share short updates, or 'tweets'. If you choose to follow an account on X, their tweets appear on your newsfeed, so it’s like being delivered a newspaper whose headlines you’ll always find interesting.

Follow us on TwitterHow to set up a Twitter account

Benefits and uses of X

  • Send out concise news updates for club members and followers
  • Post photos of club events and trips to advertise to potential members and get current members involved
  • Interact with members, other clubs and other divers worldwide with a simple tweet
  • Keep up-to-date with other diving brands and organisations by following them - some of our favourites are Marine Conservation Society and Andy Torbet
  • There are over 25.6 million X users in the UK alone

Top tips for making the most of X

  • Tweets with images are 150 times more likely to be retweeted or liked, so they're the best way to make a splash!
  • Make sure your Direct Messages are open to all so anyone can contact you if they're interested in diving with your club - it's also wise to put contact details on your profile
  • Connect with other BSAC clubs to network, connect and learn from them - good examples are Clidive, Severnside SAC and Hazel Grove Sub Aqua



Want to know more about growing your club with social media?

Please email BSAC marketing support or call us on 0151 350 6224. 

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