Think you have a great news story but not sure what to do next? Get in touch! Email us or call 0151 350 6209.
BSAC is always looking for the next news story to help promote what we do to the outside world. We want more divers and potential trainees to choose BSAC so please help us share with the world how exciting club life is with BSAC. Have you got a story to tell?
Stories such as the following can go far in today's digital world...if you have any video footage more's the better...
- Historic finds or expeditions, such as First World War centenary expeditions
- Guinness World Record attempts
- Underwater rugby matches
- Unconventional fundraisers
- Pioneering work with military veterans
- Underwater marriage proposals or similar antics
Please email us details of your story in the first instance and we will be in touch.