This equality, diversity and inclusion policy and procedures document has been written in line with the Equality Act 2010. Equality, diversity and inclusion highlights that no one person in our Club is solely responsible for the physical and psychological safety and respect of our members. That responsibility lies with all our members.
As part of the equality, diversity and inclusion policy, there is a free language awareness course available online for all members to complete. The eLearning course covers the use of appropriate language for a supportive event and club environment and takes around 30 minutes to complete. While all members can access the free course, BSAC is particularly encouraging Branch Officers and instructors to complete the course. Also available is advice and guidelines for speakers at BSAC events.
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The key commitments of the equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) policy are:
To create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all members are recognised and valued.
To encourage anyone who feels they have been subject to discrimination to raise their concerns so corrective measures can be applied.
To ensure all members feel physically and psychologically safe and are treated fairly and with respect when taking part in BSAC activities.
To raise awareness amongst all members, staff and others so that they know what to do when raising a concern over behaviour.
To protect Branch Officers, instructors, volunteers, members, carers and others by giving the practical, common sense guidelines to avoid placing themselves in situations where they are open to allegations which could seriously damage their lives and careers.
To protect Branches by showing that you have taken all reasonable steps to provide a safe environment.
Branches are therefore strongly advised to adopt a policy statement that defines the organisations commitment to providing a safe environment.
BSAC will ensure that our employees and members are treated equally, with dignity and respect, regardless of the nine characteristics protected by the Equality Act 2010. These are: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race (including ethnic origin, colour, nationality, and national origin), religion and belief (including philosophical belief), sex/gender, and sexual orientation. BSAC will oppose and challenge all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination, harassment or victimisation.
All members and employees are encouraged to:
Be aware of discriminatory practices and avoid them.
Ensure that everyone is treated positively and fairly.
Challenge others if they feel that someone is behaving in a discriminatory manner (where it is safe to do so).
Inform a Branch Officer or HQ if they believe they are being discriminated against or there are discriminatory practices in place.