Decompression illness is one of the most common risks to divers, often caused by a rapid ascent or when leaving a high-pressure workspace.

It is vitally important to ensure that any diver suffering from DCI is given prompt first aid treatment and that the relevant medical assistance should be sought as quickly as possible.

Emergency contact numbers for diving incidents in the UK

Decompression illness (DCI) helpline

For free 24-hour scuba diving illness advice and to arrange recompression treatment;

England, Northern Ireland or Wales

Call 07831 151 523 to be connected to the BHA Diver Emergency Helpline.


Call 0345 408 6008 to be connected with the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.

At sea

Contact should be made via the [Coastguard] on VHF DSC (or Channel 16).

For other emergency assistance

Ashore in the UK

Use 999 or 112, as usual.


When diving outside of the UK, ensure that you know the local emergency contact procedures.

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